There’s something so beautiful about sitting in a room filled with the diverse and eclectic crowd that makes up the wonderful Jewish community in the Central Coast. Whether you’re an old hand at Passover Seders or never attended one before, there’s a seat at the table for you!
We’ll spend the evening together on a discovery of the fascinating story of our nations humble beginnings as slaves in Egpyt and their miraculous freedom, all while drawing timely lessons for our own lives about what it means to be truly free. Its a night that welcomes questions and encourages discussion as we crunch on the handmade Shmurah matzah, drink 4 cups of wine, and sing late into the night as one united family (Don’t worry - there’s song books. Even after all these years the Rabbi cant remember half the words to the tunes. Wonder if it has to do with all that wine though..)
The night is only as wonderful as the people who join us for it, so it would be our honour to have you grace this community Passover Seder.
RSVP here so we can reserve you a bowl of Malki’s famous chicken soup!