Our Shabbat Table planned
with you in mind.

Not your average regional town. Not your average Shabbat table.

It melds traditions, wisdom and teachings for both veterans and first-timers, with interactive dialogue, and easy and fun rituals.

Every Jew is a diamond, no matter where they are found.

We are committed to being an open and welcoming space for every Jew, no matter what their specific situation is. Never hesitate to get in touch or drop in - you are as precious as a diamond in the eyes of G-d.

How can we help?


When one lights the Shabbat candles, a sense of peace and serenity descends upon the city. Join us for a warm and intimate meal in our home.

Jewish Learning.jpg

Lecture series, group classes and one-on-one learning is available. Delve into the richness of our heritage through the ideas and texts of Torah. No prior knowledge required.

Enroll in this Jewish Children’s learning to give your kids a chance to get creative and enjoy learning in a way where independence and fun are encouraged.


New Moon Women’s Circle

“Unite. Create. Discover’

An opportunity for women to gather to celebrate their beautiful feminine energy and their connection to the renewing glistening jewel in the nights sky, at the start of each Jewish month, Rosh Chodesh.


סִיוָן‎ - Sivvan: The one where we get the Torah

It was the gift to top all gifts; nothing can top this display of connection and affection. In the month of Sivan, we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, when the Torah was given by G‑d to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai more than 3,300 years ago. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot, we renew our acceptance of G‑d’s gift, and G‑d “re-gives” the Torah. It was this gift on the 6th day of Sivan that united us with G-d as His precious nation, Bnei Yisrael - the Jewish People. 

The rest of Sivan is our honeymoon period - an opportunity to wrap up the energy, inspiration an change inspired by the counting of the Omer and culminating in Shavuot and, in afterglow of the holiday, bridge the holy and the mundane, drawing down the spiritual energy and blessings of the holiday into our everyday lives.

There is so much going on at Hunter Chabad so whether you are looking for a prayer service, some good food, or an opportunity to socialise with other Jewish families, there’s something for you on the calendar! Get in touch with us today for more information or to RSVP.

Follow (y)our journey.

Instagram: @hunterchabad

Facebook: FB.com/hunterchabad

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